Pierwsi rolnicy na ziemi kociewskiej - refleksja z najnowszych odkryć archeologicznych

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Kochanowski, M. (2018). Pierwsi rolnicy na ziemi kociewskiej - refleksja z najnowszych odkryć archeologicznych. Folia Praehistorica Posnaniensia, 13, 147–159. https://doi.org/10.14746/fpp.2005.13.11


The article is aimed at presentation of a newly discovered  Linear Band Pottery settlement at Kościelna Jania, Smętowo Graniczne commune. The site was excavated during rescue works on the Al highway. It has been the largest settlement o f this culture in the Starogard Lake District explored to date. In 21 excavated features, mainly settlement pits, numerous pottery sherds and animal bones (post-consumption remains) were found. Pottery technology and decoration make possible to link these materials with the Note phase and date them back to 430CM1000 be.


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