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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The Folia Praehistorica Posnaniensia journal uses the APA (American Psychological Association) bibliographic system
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.

Author Guidelines



The Folia Praehistorica Posnaniensia journal uses the APA (American Psychological Association) bibliographic system, adapted to the requirements of the Polish language and the humanities, including archaeology



FILE: WORD 2003 (with .doc or .rtf extension)








Every illustration in separate JPG or TIF file (in also concerns plans and charts numbers as illustrations)

Minimal resolution of files with illustrations – TIF/JPG- 600-300 dpi

- Every table in separate MS Word file (with .doc or .rtf extension), font: Time New Roman, font size depends on the size of the table (from 11 to 8 points)


In separate MS Word file

FILE: WORD 2003 (with .doc lub .rtf extension)





All photographs, drawings, plans numbered as illustrations (figures). Numbering of photographs: arabic numerals, without bolding. All tables numbered separately



References to literature in the text should be given in brackets, including the author’s name, date of publication and pages numbers:

Figurki wykonywano w taki sposób, by łatwiej można było je łamać – były puste w środku oraz zlepiane z kilku części (Hofmann, 2014, s. 53–56)”.

The publication has two authors

Both authors should be named:

[…] charakterystyczny kształt interpretowany jako nakrycie głowy lub fryzura ( Becker, Dębiec, 2014)”.

The publication has three or more authors

In the first quotation, all authors should be listed and in the next, only the first, replacing the rest with the abbreviation "et al." If a publication has six or more authors, only one name and the abbreviation "et al." should be provided:

Jedną odkryto w Koniecmostach i została wykonana z masy bez domieszki widocznej gołym okiem …, (Marciniak., Sobkowiak-Tabaka, Bartkowiak, Lisowski, 2015). Cztery fragmenty glinianych nóg znane są ze Zwięczycy oraz Klęczkowa, po dwie z Koniecmostów, Kopydłowa i Lipnicy ( Marciniak i in., 2015).

Quoting two or more publications from different authors simultaneously:

The authors should be listed in alphabetical order, separating references to the publications with a comma. When quoting page numbers semicolons should be used (..., 2001, 15; Kowalski, 2000, 5; …).

Gordon Childe uwzględniał znaczenie społeczne, awans społeczny (Chile, 1946, 1951; Kristiansen, Larsson, 2005, 2009).

Quoting more than one publication by a given author

After the author's name, the publication should be placed in chronological order. If the publications were published in the same year, to distinguish them, the letters of the alphabet should be included (a, b, c, etc.):

Zagadnienia realizowane na tym polu badawczym dotyczą komercjalizacji dziedzictwa przeszłości i archeologii (Pawleta, 2011, 2012)”. […] Uwzględniono sposoby popularyzacji wiedzy o przeszłości (Pawleta, 2011a, 2011b).

The authors have the same surname

The first letter of the first name before the surname of each of the authors should be included:

Archeologia procesualna dążyła do wypracowania nowej metodologii badań skutecznej w praktyce archeologicznej ( L. Binford, S. Binford, 1958).

Quoting the publication is indirect

The data of the primary source should be placed at first position, then the expression "after:", and finally the data of the secondary source in which the primary source is given:

[…] przedstawiano dzieci na reliefach czy w rzeźbie… co pokazują chociażby znaki hieroglificzne, lub jako miniaturowych dorosłych (Feucht, 2001, s. 262, za: Kloska 2017).

Literal quoting

When the quoted fragment is more than 40 words long, it should be placed in a separate paragraph with indentation (5 spaces), without quotation marks, and the text should be preceded and terminated by a free line. When the quoted fragment is shorter than 40 words, it should be placed on the line of the actual text, in quotation marks:


In Mały słownik kultury dawnych Słowian we find the following definition of a stronghold:


Strongholds – places artificially fenced for defence purposes, commonly present in Slavic lands. [...] The oldest strongholds fortified with a moat and a palisade, or wooden and earth ramparts, performed various functions and were erected by different human groups. Among them, there are large strongholds, inhabited by tribal and ancestral communities, engaged in agriculture and breeding, as well as small size strongholds of forming a feudal layer of society. (Leciejewicz 1962, p. 131)


Footnotes should not be used, except for explanations that would not be consistent with the text


The final bibliography should be placed on a separate page, at the end of the text, before the attachments. A new work should be placed without indentation with justification to the left margin, similarly to the following lines.

In the case of several works by one author, his surname should not be repeated, only enter subsequent publications:

Tabaczyński, S.

1992 „Paradygmat poszlakowy” i problemy wnioskowania w badaniach archeologicznych. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis, Folia Archaeologica, 16, 13–27.

1994 Wprowadzenie. W: J. Lech (red.), Ocena stanu archeologii w Polsce. Materiały informacyjne (s. 7–12). Warszawa: Komitet Nauk Pra- i Protohistorycznych PAN.

2001 Observations on the European Science Foundation Exploratory Workshop „Whither Archaeology?”. W: Z. Kobyliński (red.), Quo vadis archaeologia? Whither European archaeology in the 21st century? (s. 12–16). Warsaw: Foundation Res Publica Multiethnica: IAE PAN.


Author's and co-author's monograph

A comma should be placed after the author's name. Date, title italicized in italics on a separate line. We list the places of publication and the publisher:

Balcer, B.

1983 Wytwórczość narzędzi krzemiennych w neolicie ziem polskich. Wrocław – Warszawa – Kraków –Gdańsk – Łódź: Ossolineum.


Monograph published as part of the publishing series

The publishing series should be placed in parentheses after the monograph title:


Dzieduszycka-Machnikowa, A., Lech, J.

1976 Neolityczne zespoły pracowniane z kopalni krzemienia w Sąspowie (Polskie Badania Archeologiczne, t. 19). Wrocław – Warszawa – Kraków – Gdańsk: Ossolineum.



A monograph translated into Polish (or other foreign)

The translator should be placed in parentheses:


Renfrew, C, Bahn, P.

2005 Archeologia. Teorie, metody, praktyka (K. Lenartowski, tłum.). Warszawa: Pruszyński i S-ka.


Editing monographs


Editors, should be marked by (ed.), and for the editing of monographs in English (ed. or eds.):


Banaszkiewicz, J., Kara, M., Mamzer, H. (red.)

2015 Instytucja „wczesnego państwa” w perspektywie wielości i różnorodności kultur. Poznań: Wydawnictwo IAE PAN.


Kozłowski, J. K., Kozłowski, S. K. (eds.)

1989 Chipped stone industries of the Early Farming Cultures in Europe. Warsaw – Cracow: Warsaw University, Jagiellonian University Cracow.


Articles in a monograph

Provide the title of the article, followed by a period. Then (after W :) monograph editors, the title of the monograph in italics, followed by the page number in parentheses, place of publication, publisher:


Kwapiński, M.

2019 Kanopy pomorskie. Interpretacje nieklasyczne. W: M. Kobusiewicz, J. Sawicka, J. Kabaciński, M. Kara, K. Zameleska-Monczak (red.), Archeologia jako humanistyczna interpretacja przeszłości (s. 113–136). Poznań: Wydawnictwo IAE PAN.



Articles in journal

Do not specify the place of publication, but the title of the journal in italics, volume and pages of the article is required. The volume is written in Arabic (do not use the terms "volume", "pages"):


Kostyrko, M., Kajda, K., Wroniecki, P., Lokś A.

2016 Archeologia nieinwazyjna w lesie. Prospekcja wczesnośredniowiecznego grodziska w Biedrzychowicach Dolnych woj. lubuskie. Śląskie Sprawozdania Archeologiczne, 58, 85–99.


Electronic document

Provide the page from which it was downloaded, or the date of download:


Welsch, W.

1997 Aesthetics beyond Aesthetics Pobrano z: www2.uni-jena-de/welsch/papers/W_Welsch_ Aesthetics_beyond_ Aesthetics.html

Transliteration of Cyrillic according to the standard ISO 9:1995.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.