Are there any new possibilities to understand flint refitting using spatiotemporal analysis? A proposition of a new method
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lithic studies
flint technology
refitting lithic artifacts
flint knapping
Swiderian technology

How to Cite

Migal, W. (2019). Are there any new possibilities to understand flint refitting using spatiotemporal analysis? A proposition of a new method. Folia Praehistorica Posnaniensia, 23, 247–300.


Refitting of flint materials is in recent times a standard method of dealing with flint materials. Among the archaeologists, however, there is a feeling of insufficiency and disproportion between the time needed for conjoining the blocks and the scientific effects coming out of them. Above all, there is at present no method for comparing different effects with other conjoined blocks. Regardless it comes from one archaeological site or whether are from different ages or territorially distant from each other. The paper presents a proposition of a new method for the analysis of flint refittings. The idea of research is to determine the relationships between the various detached pieces. The results are presented in a graph which we can further analyze and compare with others. The process itself is similar to the simplification of functions invented by Newton and Gauss, which is why the name of the method: refitting calculus.
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