Sztuka wśród archeologów. Wybrane przykłady
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How to Cite

Kaczor, M. ., Pyżewicz, K. ., & Wielgus, B. . (2019). Sztuka wśród archeologów. Wybrane przykłady. Folia Praehistorica Posnaniensia, 24, 47–65.


This article presents selected aspects of potential intersections of archeology and art, the potential resulting from it, and also threats. We presented our interpretation of the perception of this issue, which is from the archaeologist’s perspective. We referred to specific examples that refer both to our experience resulting from more than a year of cooperation between the Faculty of Archeology of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań and the Faculty of Art Education and Curatorial Studies of the University of Arts in Poznań, as well as the external sources. An attempt was made to answer the question – how archaeologists can use the knowledge and experience of artists. We focused on the example of museology and the popularization of archaeological knowledge, how to make it more attractive, and to facilitate public reception. At the same time, we presented our observations on the examples of the use of archeology by artists as inspiration.
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