The manufacture of the primordial tribes in the case of pragmatic concepts of the art
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Kowalski, A. P. (2019). The manufacture of the primordial tribes in the case of pragmatic concepts of the art. Folia Praehistorica Posnaniensia, 24, 137–147.


The article is devoted to the function of the primordial art in the pragmatic concept. The pragmatism ennobles the unprofessional forms of artistic activity. It makes it following the deconstruction of the modern definitions of the art. It presents the aesthetic values of primordial art. In the article, there are included its characteristics made by J. Dewey and É. Durkheim who used the first ethnographic data. Their description of the Australian autochthones shows its social contexts. It served to intensify certain emotions. It was the art of movement and dynamics. It harmonized with the whole experience of the life of the primordial hunters. It did not operate on symbols as understand these days. The pragmatic approach makes the aesthetic notion of the manufacture more important than its cognitive aspects. It does not eliminate the dilemmas of the character of the art in the cultures beyond Europe. It does not give archaeologists any simple tool to interpret the prehistoric facts.
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