Gospodarcze i społeczne znaczenie nieudomowionych zwierząt dla społeczności wczesnoneolitycznych w wybranych rejonach Europie Środkowej
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Honkisz, B. (2014). Gospodarcze i społeczne znaczenie nieudomowionych zwierząt dla społeczności wczesnoneolitycznych w wybranych rejonach Europie Środkowej. Folia Praehistorica Posnaniensia, 19, 41–68. https://doi.org/10.14746/fpp.2014.19.02


This article is a shortened version of the author’s MA thesis, which was presented in 2011. It has been also an attempt to present the most important aspects of the importance of non-domestic animals for the Linear Pottery culture communities inhabiting Central Europe in the early Neolithic. For this purpose, the analysis was carried out within a selected trial area, from where the material was collected. It included three regions, where intensified settlement of the Linear Pottery communities took place in the early Neolithic: the Elbe and Saale river basin, Małopolska (also referred to as Lesser Poland) and Kujawy (Kuiavia). In the trial area fourteen sites were located and then analysed for the presence of remains of domestic animals.

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