Relics of old folk customs in language and culture (based on the example of a village from the Małopolska region)
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folk customs
dialectal lexis

How to Cite

Kucharzyk, R. (2019). Relics of old folk customs in language and culture (based on the example of a village from the Małopolska region). Gwary Dziś, 8, 141–150. Retrieved from


Social and civilizational changes have resulted in the permanent reconstruction of rural culture. Life has changed both for individual people and for the whole community. The language of the countryside has changed, too – local dialects have been replaced with standard language or transitory forms. Many traditional folk customs have been forgotten, others have been significantly changed, both on their symbolic and linguistic layers. The article aims to answer the question about what aspects of old folk customs have remained, what factors determine their survival and how does the lexis related to this piece of culture function. The considerations are based on an analysis of customs and language conducted for many years in one of the villages of Małopolska.

PDF (Język Polski)


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