The Peculiarities of the Description of the Grammar of the Ukrainian New Formation Dialects
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the Ukrainian dialect of new formation
grammatical feature
dialectal textography
stages of the dialectal formation

How to Cite

Колесников, А. О. (2019). The Peculiarities of the Description of the Grammar of the Ukrainian New Formation Dialects. Gwary Dziś, 7, 57–70. Retrieved from


The article deals with the conflicting data about the grammar of the Ukrainian emigrant dialects of the multi-lingual and multi-dialectal area between the Danube and the Dniester rivers, obtained with the help of dialectal textography and the program. The idea of the dialectal norm, which is in the program, and the reality of the language, which is in the text, determine the value of such facts as a source of the information of the dynamics, it’s detailing, stages of the dialectal formation. The analysis of these facts helps to establish the phases of the borrowing of the other dialect elements, to fix the primary stages of the formation of the new ones, the disappearance of native features, to explain the discrepancy between the new data, the information of the AUL and previous descriptive researches, to distinguish the dynamic processes, communicative factors and the other reasons of the inconsistent information, related to the multi-lingual character of the speakers, deficient taking into account the peculiarities of the grammatical phenomena in the area, the mosaic structure of the dialects and dialectal features.

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