De revolutionibus Mikołaja Kopernika a doktryna podwójnej prawdy

Słowa kluczowe

Nicolaus Copernicus
heliocentric system
doctrine of double truth

Jak cytować

Sołtysiak, M. (2021). De revolutionibus Mikołaja Kopernika a doktryna podwójnej prawdy. Humaniora. Czasopismo Internetowe, 33(1), 33–47.


The presented article is an attempt to answer the question: whether Copernicus in De revolutionibus did not preach the doctrine of double truth? In the first part it is pointed out that the thesis he adopted about the real character of the Earth movement is contrary to the scholastic principles of philosophy and theology. From this point of view, it is exposed to the above allegation. The second part of the article shows the strategy adopted by Copernicus to avoid suspicion of proclaiming the double truth. He defined the basic principles of the new science. He has adopted the mathematical structure of the world. He synthetically linked the movements of all planets due to the movement of the Earth. He showed the coherence of the heliocentric system with the biblical arguments.


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