Materiality of visuality. About relationships and transformations of visuality and politics


new materialism
follow the material
media art

How to Cite

Lompe, M., & Wicher, C. (2020). Materiality of visuality. About relationships and transformations of visuality and politics. Humaniora. Czasopismo Internetowe, 32(4), 13–26.


In the hazy anthropocene era, which M. Chaberski (2019) understood as a serious epistemological crisis, even wider than the climate crisis, visuality plays a very important role -it becomes a vector for visibility and invisibility of discursive and non-discursive practices. The spirit of new materialism has developed a number of concepts, which emphasized non-linguistic ways of shaping meanings and interpretations of reality, and at the same time appreciated non-humans agencies. The article is constructed around the thesis “visual is material,” because in the end every representation refers to the materials, on which our world is build. We can treat this thesis as a political statement, following J. Ranciere observations, that the thought is material (2007). We would like to analyze the significance of materiality by taking a look at media art practices. We can sink into the thicket of connections between materials and track the journey of things, not focusing on the final effect (manufactured item), but rather on manufacturing process (Ingold 2019; Deleuze, Guattari 2015).


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Deleuze G., Guattari F., Co to jest filozofia?, transl. P. Pieniążek, słowo/obraz terytoria Gdańsk 2000.

Ingold T., Splatając otwarty świat, transl. E. Klekot, Instytut Architektury, Kraków 2018.

Mirzoeff N., The Right to Look: A Counterhistory of Visuality, Duke University Press, Durham 2011.

Mitchell W.J.T., Cloning Terror. The War of Images, 9/11 to the Present, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago–London 2011.

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Nacher A., The Techno-Ecological Practice as the Politics of Ontological Coalitions, “Acoustic Space” 2019, vol. 17.

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Art works

Lelonek D., Center for the living things,

Ploeger D., Smart Fence, fbclid=IwAR25cffaxu5hMvjCtXqzOhnQlSobLX90snQ2tAy512rq_voD2noyvndm3Y.

Nogalski T., Green White Orange Composition,:

Wysocka W., Where all problems end/ mupedzanhamo, dostępneprzez: