Uncanny Valley in Video Games: An Overview


uncanny valley
virtual characters
video games

How to Cite

Ratajczyk, D. (2019). Uncanny Valley in Video Games: An Overview. Homo Ludens, (1 (12), 135–148. https://doi.org/10.14746/hl.2019.12.7


The uncanny valley is an idea proposed by Masahiro Mori (1970) regarding negative emotions present in contacts with almost humanlike characters. In the beginning, it was considered only in the context of humanoid robots, but this context was broadened by the development of highly realistic animations and video games. Particularly evident are players’ interests in the uncanny valley. Recently there have been a growing number of reports from empirical studies regarding participants’ perception of highly realistic characters. In the paper, a review of publications concerning the uncanny valley hypothesis in video games is presented, as are deliberations about the impact of the uncanny valley on the game industry. According to the results, there is a need to recognise which attributes of virtual characters cause the uncanny valley effect.



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