The image of Nikola Tesla and his inventions in digital games
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Nikola Tesla
Thomas Edison
famous scientists

How to Cite

Kościelniak, J. . (2021). The image of Nikola Tesla and his inventions in digital games. Homo Ludens, (1 (14), 117–131.


This article examines representations of the Serbian-American inventor Nikola Tesla in digital games, where he continuously gains popularity. Among twelve games in which he appears the following categories of his attributes were established and described: appearance, location, personality, role, abilities, inventions and relationships, which together create the image of a genius inventor.
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Wykaz skrótów i ludografia

TVL – 10tons Ltd (2018). Tesla vs Lovecraft [gra wieloplatformowa]. 10tons Ltd., Finlandia.

DV – Airtight Games (2010). Dark Void [PC]. Capcom, Japonia.

TBW – Archetype Global (2014). Tesla Breaks the World! [PC]. Archetype Global, USA.

SK – Cohen, O., Giacomo, F. (2016). Science Kombat [PC]. Superinterssante, Brazylia.

FGO – Delightworks (2015). Fate/Grand Order [Android, iOS]. Aniplex, Japonia.

ALT – Drandakis, H. (2017). Alternate [iOS]. Drandakis H., Grecja.

UWA – Origin Systems (1991). Ultima: Worlds of Adventure 2: Martian Dreams [DOS]. Origin Systems, USA.

TO – Ready at Dawn (2015). The Order: 1886 [Playstation 4]. Sony Computer Entertainment, USA.

TGMT – Redi Games (2017). The Great Mind of Tesla [Android, iOS]. Redi Games, Polska.

VSA – Studio spektar (2017). Viktor, a Steampunk Adventure [PC]. Studio spektar, Chorwacja.

IH – Tequila Works (2017). The Invisible Hours [gra wieloplatformowa]. Game Trust, USA.

TWM – Thoughtquake Studios (2011). Tesla: The Weather Man [PC]. Thoughtquake Studios, USA.