Nordic culture and the gothic as commonplaces in virtual reality. Representation of historical style in selected examples of fantasy computer games
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computer games
historical hertitage
Gothic style
Nordic art

How to Cite

Szymański, M. . (2021). Nordic culture and the gothic as commonplaces in virtual reality. Representation of historical style in selected examples of fantasy computer games. Homo Ludens, (1 (14), 207–239.


The purpose of the article is to consider the relationship between computer games and cultural heritage, which is a testimony to specific historical epochs. Inspiration of the old architecture, sculpture and painting, in the form of quotes or allusions, occurs in many games, which allows us to talk about a separate phenomenon that requires research. A look at the games from the perspective of an art historian allows us to see many new aspects of creating virtual worlds by game developers. Examples include fantasy games that broadly refer to cultural heritage. The text discusses examples of several productions that reproduce the art of a specific period, focusing on the repertoire of selected themes. The analyses are preceded by a presentation of the state of research regarding the issue of interpretation of history in computer games. The criticism of historical simplification in games by one of the researchers is the basis for further reflection on the positive aspects of interpreting the past in fantasy games.
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