The Scramble for Colonies. Representations of Colonialism in Board Games
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board games
games ethics

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Poręba, I. (2023). The Scramble for Colonies. Representations of Colonialism in Board Games. Homo Ludens, (1(15), 13–30.


One of the popular themes of board games is colonialism, both as a historical background for the game’s narrative and as a collection of myths, stereotypes and phantasms of imperial provenance. These include: oriental representations of the Other, privileging the Eurocentric perspective, mythicizing colonization as a  civilization development or presenting it as discovering of a “no man’s land”. The article discusses selected board games that implement various strategies of presenting colonial themes and mechanics of economic and strategic games. The aim of the paper was also to indicate the source of misunderstandings as to the validity or invalidity of considering board games in ethical terms.
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