The phenomenon of popcorn gaming. Why do we watch games more and more?
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video games
mass communication theory
media consumption
popcorn gaming

How to Cite

Śledź, M. (2023). The phenomenon of popcorn gaming. Why do we watch games more and more?. Homo Ludens, (1(15), 223–240.


The article focuses on the description of a new phenomenon in the world of video games: popcorn gaming. The main problem that runs through the work is the question of why gamers choose to watch video games. The theory of mass communication by Denis McQuail is to help answer the question. The type of the player named “popcorn gamer” is, in short, a person who prefers watching games to playing them. The phenomenon itself is very much related to the development of platforms offering a streaming function, such as Twitch and YouTube, which for some time have been contributing to a slow change in the players’ attitude toward the use of games.
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