Improving the process of auditory processing and speech decoding using the Neuroflow method in an 11-year-old CAPD patient
okładka czasopisma numer 33
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Słowa kluczowe

hearing impairment
Central Auditory Processing Disorders
Neuroflow ATS,
child speech
case study

Jak cytować

Ejsmunt-Wieczorek, I. (2021). Improving the process of auditory processing and speech decoding using the Neuroflow method in an 11-year-old CAPD patient. Interdyscyplinarne Konteksty Pedagogiki Specjalnej, (33), 93–104.


Hearing disorders at the level of the central nervous system significantly affect the development of speech and language communication in children with CAPD. One of the methods aimed at improving the auditory functions, and thus the quality of speech understanding, is Active Auditory Training with the Neuroflow method. Its effectiveness will be discussed based on the example of a 10-year-old patient with hearing impairment.
PDF (English)


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