Contemporary composer Vladimir Jovanović and his role in the renewal of church Byzantine music in Serbia from the 1990s until today


composer Vladimir (Vlada) Jovanović
church Byzantine music
modal music
St. John of Damascus choir

How to Cite

Blagojević, G. (2019). Contemporary composer Vladimir Jovanović and his role in the renewal of church Byzantine music in Serbia from the 1990s until today. Interdisciplinary Studies in Musicology, 19, 11–30.

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This work focuses on the role of the composer Vladimir (Vlada) Jovanović in the renewal of church Byzantine music in Serbia from the 1990s until today. This multi-talented artist worked and created art in his native Belgrade, with creativity that exceeded local frames. This research emphasizes Jovanović’s pedagogical and compositional work in the field of Byzantine music, which mostly took place through his activity in the St. John of Damascus choir in Belgrade. The author analyzes the problems in implementation of modal church Byzantine music, since the first students did not hear it in their surroundings, as well as the responses of the listeners. Special attention is paid to students’ narratives, which help us perceive the broad cultural and social impact of Jovanović’s creative work.


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