Стилізація в українській і польській літературі постмодернізму
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artistic technique
Ukrainian literature
Polish literature

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Kropyvko, I. (2018). Стилізація в українській і польській літературі постмодернізму. Kultury Wschodniosłowiańskie – Oblicza I Dialog, (7), 79–86. https://doi.org/10.14746/kw.2017.7.6


Postmodern styling of text in another language (work, genre, time) lacks the assessment direction and is used as a conceptual and stylistic device. The article aims to define the styling features as the art-techniqe in postmodern texts of Polish and Ukrainian writers. The specificity of styling them is connected with the appeal of authors to artistic and non-fiction genres as the sources of formal originality of their texts. Ukrainian and Polish literature show quantitative connection between the structural parts of the text as the manifestation of the impact of the beyond-subjective world of information systems on a literary work concept. Impersonality highlights the lackof creative writer’s invention to literary text composing and appears to create the narrative illusion of uniform electronic signals or stylization on a computer text. A text resembling music genres forms a specific rhythmic pattern of fragmented pieces through the use of graphical ways to display pauses. Graphic design and structuring of the text are included in its overall concept, which is driven by current trends, such as specific life of the postmodern man and the destruction of boundaries between different types of activities (information, literary and artistic performance). Styling as the “image technology” of postmodern literary text adjusts it to some readers' tastes and / or determines the originality of its formal concept to improve its “consumer” qualityin order to meet the demanding modern reader’s expectations. These examples represent only a part of the author's choices experimenting with the structure of the text and its design, which is rooted in our reality distorted by globalization processes.

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