Specification of description “happy” statues in the Revolution Square underground station for Russian Internet sources
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happy statues
Revolution Square underground station
Internet sources

How to Cite

Joppek, J. (2019). Specification of description “happy” statues in the Revolution Square underground station for Russian Internet sources. Eastern Slavonic Cultures – Aspects and Dialog, (9), 37–45. https://doi.org/10.14746/kw.2019.9.3


The purpose of this paper is the descriptive analysis of “happy” statues in the Revolution Square underground station in Russian Internet sources. The range of the study embraces article titles, structure of content presentation, information about the genesis of "rubbing" items, personal stories and iconographic aspect. The research material is taken Russian e-commerce industry websites that operate in the tourism, fashion, interior and home design, financial services, as well as travel blogs.

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