Microsociological Research on Higher Education

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Heyns, B. (2016). Microsociological Research on Higher Education. Nauka I Szkolnictwo Wyższe, (1), 14–30. Retrieved from https://pressto.amu.edu.pl/index.php/nsw/article/view/4297


The author analyzes from the perspective of microsociology West European and American problems of higher education. Microanalysis in this case serves to describe and compare results of diversification of institutions of higher education. This paper pays attention mainly to the internal dynamics of the system of higher education, to the differentiation of its structures and activities and the consequences of this. They help to determine who teaches, who studies, what is taught and learnt, and what the learning means to students. As higher education keeps on transmitting familial and class status, it is important to show the consequences of various recruitment and socialization patterns pursued by higher education. The dimensions of academic organization that are critical in understanding institutional variability are briefly outlined. The structural factors identified include type of control, curricula, institutional level (undergraduate or graduate) and prestige. The meaning of differentiation of institutions for students is taken into consideration. Analyzed are also changes in the student population, specially the so-called new clientele. The changing social composition of students pursuing higher education strongly affects the educational offer of institutions of higher learning (curricula, organization of classes) and is a challenge to traditional functions of higher education. The author mentions also a problem of links between education, professional position and economic effectiveness. She presents some non-educational effects of training and states that changes of attitudes and values occurring during the higher studies are better known to researchers than cognitive changes. The paper ends with implication for the Polish educational reform.


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