The process of changes in systems of post-secondary education in several West European countries was initiated by the national governments in the 1960s. The task assigned then to the universities, i.e. to provide training conformable to the demands of the labour market and thus to assist with achieving social and economic aims set by the governments, is still valid. This paper presents results of the reforms of educational systems in selected countries. Its first part gives the general background of the reforms. Opinions about the effects of the changes are equivocal. The development of institutions of higher learning, greater accessibility of it and the increase of the number of students are considered as positive. Still, in the assessments of quality the opinion prevails that the changes have brought about mediocre effects as compared with what had been intitially intended. The most frequently cited reason why the governmental projects of reforms failed is the way in which institutions of higher learning respond to external inspirations of changes; it is said that the conservative system of academic education can be reformed only through self-regulation processes. The final effect of reforms is also strongly affected by educational aspirations of young people, which depend neither on the nature of governmental initiatives nor on traditional educational preferences of the universities. The author illustrates the above statements with selected aspects of the reforms of educational systems in Germany and France and with the effects of the introduction of preferential points into the system of new students recruitment in Poland in the 1960s. Her presentation of the problem from one side only is intended to provoke a wider debate. Ewa Chmielecka Catalogue
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