The paper discusses issues of the permeability of the educational system and prospects of internal integration in the context of autonomous institutions of higher education, and the intensive development of various forms of impervious undergraduate education. Institutions of higher education are coping with problems caused by the devaluation of the high school education among undergraduates. They choose more frequently to continue their education at private or state vocational schools of different levels. One may thus expect significant decrease in the number of students applying for university level training, in the nearest future. The Author discusses results of the pilot study conducted among the university students at their third year and among students of in-service language schools for teachers. Collected empirical data point out that students of the language schools consider the training to be the initial stage on their way to the university diploma. Also, the data point out that the diversification of the quality of university education, which began several years ago, serves rather the internal needs of institutions of higher education than makes up a response to the external demands (labour market, different skills and mental qualities of candidates). The Author concludes that the denial of the opportunity to continue education at the institutions of higher education for the graduates of in-service and vocational schools results in their attempts to begin university education at the first course level and they are subjected to regular entrance procedure. This does not seem to be worth of promotion, neither from economical, nor from individual point of view.
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