Diversity in Higher Education in Germany: The Two-Type Structure
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Teichler, U. (2016). Diversity in Higher Education in Germany: The Two-Type Structure. Nauka I Szkolnictwo Wyższe, (2(4), 40–57. Retrieved from https://pressto.amu.edu.pl/index.php/nsw/article/view/4350


Using the example of the relatively constant - according to the author - dual structure of the higher education institutions (universities and higher vocational institutions - Fachhochschulen) the more general conclusions, that can be drawn from the German experiences for the concept of the diversification of the higher education structure are presented. The discerning analysis of the transformations of the relations between the social environment and the education system, which formed the ground of different quality for the interest in the vocational education since the late fifties through the middle of seventies and since the middle of seventies over today, constitutes the background of the analysis. The author presents the uniqueness of the vocational studies by comparing the solutions to the same problems in both education sectors, among others: the accessibility issue, the structural, organizational and curricula differentiation between universities and vocational institutions of higher education. Also, he pays attention to the factors influencing the social image of the Fachhochschulen, which are less known than universities, that are shaped by the history and fixed by the tradition. To this fact, among others, as there is no interest in the factual information, based on the systematic studies of the new education sector, the author attributes the frequently exaggerated positive opinions regarding Fachhochschulen, i.e/graduates employment opportunities. One of the final paragraphs presents the direction of the higher education transformation and the development of the higher vocational education sector in the Eastern region of the country. The article ends up with the international comparisons; the author emphasizes the similarities and the basic diversities between systems based on the two-type structure, pointing out the factors which promote the stabilization of the structure on the one hand, and, the attempts to reduce the discrepancies between universities and higher vocational institutions on the other hand.

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