The Role of the State in Creating a System for Raising Oualifications. The British Experience
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Andrzejczak, A. (2016). The Role of the State in Creating a System for Raising Oualifications. The British Experience. Nauka I Szkolnictwo Wyższe, (1(7), 119–132. Retrieved from


Perceiving the urgent in need in Poland to construct a system that would enable adults to raise their qualifications to meet the needs of the market economy, the authoress describes the British experience, which may be helpful in this endeavour. The paper contains a description of the approach of the British government to education and professional training, namely the principles of government policy, i.e. partnership, a result-based approach to qualifications, decentralisation and funding defined as to objective. The article discusses the priorities and the manner of their realisation, which concentrates on instruments to motivate employers, individuals and educational institutions. The most attention is focused on the process of transformation of the central government organisation Manpower Service Commission (MSC) in the network of local Training and Enterprise Councils (TEC) and on an assessment of their activities, thereby emphasizing the importance of decentralisation for accomplishment of the new vocational training strategy adopted by the British government.

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