Foreign Assistance for Poland in Vocational Education
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How to Cite

Kozek, T. (2016). Foreign Assistance for Poland in Vocational Education. Nauka I Szkolnictwo Wyższe, (1(7), 133–142. Retrieved from


Based on experiences from carrying out foreign assistance programmes in support of the reform of vocational education in Poland, the author of the article describes various forms of this assistance and estimates their scale. His approach gives an insight into the possible impact of foreign assistance on reform of the educational system. Based on the nature of foreign assistance, the assumptions concerning how it is to be used and the real results achieved, in his conclusions the author sets forth the conditions of success of these programmes. He indicates the need for partnership in this process as well as the need to treat foreign assistance as part of a wider plan of actions to reform the educational system, in his opinion, success in the latter field will be of decisive importance for assessment of the effectiveness of similar programmes in the future.

PDF (Język Polski)


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