Educational and Professional Activity of Students of the Warsaw School of Economies
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How to Cite

Macioł, S., & Minkiewicz, B. (2016). Educational and Professional Activity of Students of the Warsaw School of Economies. Nauka I Szkolnictwo Wyższe, (1(7), 165–182. Retrieved from


The phenomenon of day students taking up jobs is ever more common. There are working students in nearly all years of higher studies, but - obviously - especially in the 4th and 5th years. Ever more students are also taking up proposals offered on the „training” market by various training institutions from outside the higher education system. This article describes the aspirations of more than 500 students of the Warsaw School of Economies in this area and whether the new education system introduced by the reforms helps them to fulfil these aspirations. The main objects of interest of the article are what motivates young people to take jobs during their studies, the benefits which work gives them, and the professional expectations of students of the largest higher education institution of economies in Poland.

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