Science Policy in Poland - Heritage, State of the Art, Perspectives
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Kozłowski, J. (2016). Science Policy in Poland - Heritage, State of the Art, Perspectives. Nauka I Szkolnictwo Wyższe, (1(9), 14–47. Retrieved from


In Western countries in discussion on the organization and financing of scientific research two opposite approaches can be heard, that of researchers themselves and that expressed by government analysts, economists and politicians. Arguments articulated by researchers focus on the good of science and research as such, needs of specific disciplines, freedom of research and autonomy of research institutions. On the other hand, analysts tend to refer to arguments such as science’s contribution to the welfare of the nation, technological innovations stimulating economic growth and competitiveness of the economy, synergies between Sciences, technology, economy and the society as well as employing research to serve external purposes. The aim of the paper is to present the approach taken by government’s analysts, rarely formulated and disused. It consists of three parts: 1) Discussion on the model of innovation and its influence on the science policy; crucial science policy issues (R&D expenditure; employment; performers of R&D; types of research; discipline structure); 2) Looking for genesis of the current situation; 3) Transformation of S&T after 1989 and pertaining problems.

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