Students of Medical Academies on Selected Problems of Physical Culture
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How to Cite

Rutkowska, E., & Fijewski, A. (2016). Students of Medical Academies on Selected Problems of Physical Culture. Nauka I Szkolnictwo Wyższe, (1(11), 93–99. Retrieved from


Studies conducted in 1988-1996 among students of five medical academies in Poland had the purpose of determining the preparation of future medical personnel for active participation in physical recreation and also for utilisation of physical culture means in the performance of their future professional tasks. Questionnaires and knowledge tests were distributed to 2248 students of Medical Departments and Nursing Departments. The results of the studies clearly show that future doctors and nurses are inadequately prepared to use various forms of physical exercises in medical care over healthy, sick and handicapped persons (promotion of health, therapy and rehabilitation). There are also reservations about the level of the personal physical culture of the students surveyed. The findings suggest that it is necessary to modify the teaching-educational process in medical academies. A change is also necessary in the current manner of completion of required physical education classes and also accenting knowledge and useful skills from the area of physical culture in teaching medical subjects.

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