Centres for Lifelong Education of Engineers in the Grandes Ecoles in France

How to Cite

Darsch, C., Gandolfi, S., & Kurowski, Z. (2016). Centres for Lifelong Education of Engineers in the Grandes Ecoles in France. Nauka I Szkolnictwo Wyższe, (2(12), 61–70. Retrieved from https://pressto.amu.edu.pl/index.php/nsw/article/view/4535


The article describes the main elements of the French system of lifelong education, which is regarded as one of the most developed in Europe. The authors focus on centres for lifelong education of engineers in the Grandes Ecoles. The organisation of these centres is discussed in the historical context, then their activity, including strategy and management, elaboration of projects and carrying out forms of lifelong education, quality assurance of this education, marketing and co-operation with industry. The network of co-operation of the Grandes Ecoles - CEIFCO - is presented, focusing attention on some data characteristic of the organisation and activity of the centres of lifelong education of the member institutions of the network. The main conclusion of the article is the postulate that in Poland, as the Grandes Ecoles in France, technical universities ought to play the main role in the lifelong education of engineers.


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