Remarks on Change Management in Economic Universities
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Szapiro, T. (2016). Remarks on Change Management in Economic Universities. Nauka I Szkolnictwo Wyższe, (2(12), 90–100. Retrieved from


The article describes the mechanisms stimulating the rapid pace of developments in the reform of higher education in economics. The starting point for the analysis is the circumstances of the reforms of 1989: the pressure for reforms, the unpreparedness of the reformers and the reasons for it, breakdown of the hierarchy of authorities and maladjustment to the realities of market management. The author shows the reasons why these factors did not have the same influence on the transformation processes. Then he describes the factors that determined the success of the first phase of the changes and analyses the conflict of interests in the present situation. The analysis, based on mechanisms similar to cognitive dissonance, indicates the hardening of attitudes conducive to stagnation. This syndrome was called “changeophobia” and was contrasted to conscious, goal-oriented actions towards the vision of a readable system of institutional goals and credible mechanisms for translating them to personal career paths.

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