Diversification in Higher Education
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Wójcicka, M. (2016). Diversification in Higher Education. Nauka I Szkolnictwo Wyższe, (2(18), 7–23. Retrieved from https://pressto.amu.edu.pl/index.php/nsw/article/view/4657


This is an attempt to outline the perspectives of the binary system of education at the university level. The author proposes to reserve the term “higher vocational education” for short educational courses (lasting three or four years), offered by higher education institutions, whose branch structure reflects the different branches of the economy. This last feature is what distinguishes higher vocational education from academic courses which reflect the different disciplines of knowledge, whose progress they strive to further, and from professional syllabuses which give very superior qualifications, are professionally oriented and train experts in their various areas. The questions which the author strives to answer deal with one of the consequences of mass education at the university level, i.e., diversification of the educational menu to fit the needs of the client. It is imperative in this context that the conditions of stabilisation of this systemic, syllabus and structural diversification of the various aspects of functioning of higher education institutions are determined, and that the perspectives of the similar process, which has been going on in Poland since the beginning of the nineties, are defined. The author refers to the experiences of countries where the changes stimulated by the mass scale of higher education began in the nineteen sixties. In the empirical part of her article she presents the results of a survey which she carried out in 2001. This survey was conducted on third-year licentiate and engineering day students of state (university and non-university) and non-state colleges from the following courses: business and administration, technical and pedagogical. The results of this survey helped the author to formulate several more general reflections on vocational higher education.

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