What Do People in Poland and the Countries of the European Union Know about Science
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How to Cite

Białecki, I. (2016). What Do People in Poland and the Countries of the European Union Know about Science. Nauka I Szkolnictwo Wyższe, (1(19), 7–25. Retrieved from https://pressto.amu.edu.pl/index.php/nsw/article/view/4667


This article has two parts. Part one presents the relations between the dissemination of knowledge and how people conceive science on the one hand and social functioning, and particularly scientific policy and management, on the other hand. The author pays special attention to the ways in which public opinion may affect policy. He also discusses the rationale for scientific policy and the dissemination of knowledge and the possible consequences of this policy. Part two presents research on the dissemination of knowledge on science conducted in the European Union and also the results of a survey conducted in twelve EU countries and repeated in Poland, Eurobarometer 38.1 - Europeans, Science and Technology - Public Understanding and Attitudes.

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