Systems of managing knowledge and the innovative efficiency of enterprises
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How to Cite

Grudzewski, W. M., & Hejduk, I. (2016). Systems of managing knowledge and the innovative efficiency of enterprises. Nauka I Szkolnictwo Wyższe, (2(22), 156–170. Retrieved from


The authors assume that the innovative efficiency of enterprises depends primarily upon an innovative method of management, which the management of knowledge is considered to be. The first part of the article discusses six pillars of a knowledge-based economy, followed by a comparison of detailed indicators of innovation in leading countries with this type of economy on the one hand and Poland on the other. Next, the conditions of innovative processes in an enterprise are discussed and specific recommendations made regarding the management of innovations, with an indication of the inspiration behind and sources of innovation and the qualities of a creative style of management, the remainder of the article discusses the flow of information on the business of an enterprise, the role of information management in the process of implementing innovations, and the most important values and skills which an enterprise should have.

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