On the Belarusian trend in the Polish emigration prose
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emigration literature
trend of „returning to small homelands”
national identity

How to Cite

Sucharski, T. (2018). On the Belarusian trend in the Polish emigration prose. Polonistyka. Innowacje, (8), 85–98. https://doi.org/10.14746/2018.8.7


The aim of this paper is to distinguish an important trend of memoir literaturę in the Polish emigration prose. The trend of „returning to small homelands”, very important in the post-war Polish literature, resulted in many memoirs. The most important works were devoted to the lands of Ukraina and Belarusia. However, memories and novels devoted to life in the Belorussian territories usually are included in the Lithuanian trend because of their historic affiliation to the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. The presented paper is an attempt to establish the proper hierarchy. The author of the text is interested in devoting the importance of the Belarusian culture to the Polish emigration literature, he is also interested in revealing the awakening of the Belarusian national identity. For the tension between Polishness and Belarusianness plays an important role in the Belarusian trend. And this aspect cannot be lost in reflections on the literary memories of Polish life in the Belorussian territories.

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