And this is Polish ... – the history of Polword, the oldest school of Polish language as a foreign language in London
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Polword; Polish as a Foreign Language; language school in London; The Titchy Gallery; teaching Polish as a foreign language; London

How to Cite

Nowosielska, E. (2020). And this is Polish . – the history of Polword, the oldest school of Polish language as a foreign language in London. Polonistyka. Innowacje, (10), 119–130.


The above article describes Polword, the oldest school of ‘Polish as a foreign language’ in the UK, founded by Edyta Nowosielska in London in 2000. It shows its genesis and history of development, and then talks about the problems that the school has encountered on its way as well as achievements that it can be proud of. The article shows how Polword differs from other institutions, especially from schools teaching Polish FL in Poland. It strongly emphasizes that Polword is not only a language school, but also a source of genuine Polishness in London, where learners not only gain knowledge about the language, but also can get closer to the country, learning about its culture and history.
PDF (Język Polski)


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