Zygmunt Krasiński meets Jakub Żulczyk or the posthumous life of Gothicism. The project of classes
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academic teaching
Jakub Żulczyk
Gothic romance
contemporary novel

How to Cite

Kamil. (2023). Zygmunt Krasiński meets Jakub Żulczyk or the posthumous life of Gothicism. The project of classes. Polonistyka. Innowacje, (17), 149–164. https://doi.org/10.14746/pi.2023.17.13


Gothicism is probably this part of the romantic and pre-romantic tradition which is most strongly present in contemporary pop-culture. It is an exceedingly lively phenomenon, not only discussed by specialists – historians of literature – but constantly consumed as part of subsequent literary, film, music or computer games, the recipients of which are sometimes even unaware of the 19th-century origin of their favorite works. Due to its cross-border nature, however, Gothicism is sometimes neglected in the history of literature education of Polish philologists. The purpose of this article is to present a class proposal, the implementation of which could be a step towards filling this gap in didactics. It is based on a juxtaposition of several older texts (by Zygmunt Krasiński, Roman Zmorski, Anna Mostowska) and a contemporary novel by Jakub Żulczyk (Insytut [The Institute]). The aim of the class is to show that Gothicism can work as an ahistorical code serving e.g., to talk about oppression.

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