Gáspár Tamás on the concept of “post-fascism”
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crisis of democracy
right wing populism

How to Cite

Winczewski, D. (2024). Gáspár Tamás on the concept of “post-fascism”. Critical Review, 6(1), 51–70. https://doi.org/10.14746/pk.2024.6.1.4


Gáspár Miklós Tamás has been one of the best-known Hungarian intellectuals and critics of the policies of the Victor Orban government in recent years. His analysis of the phenomenon of the migration crisis was reflected in his concept of “post-fascism”. It is difficult to understand it without reference to his other works and a systematic reconstruction. The article problematises this notion in the perspective of the Hungarian philosopher’s broad historisophical narrative, in which nationalism, ethnicism, fascism and post-fascism are shown to be successive stages in the contradictory development of post-Enlightenment capitalist liberal democracy. His political thought in this context is a call for the restoration of a class perspective in the analysis of social relations. 

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