Language Policies as an Instrument of Shaping and Rhetoricizing Mutual Relations in the Post-Soviet Region


Language policy
rhetorical aspects of language policy
the Post-Soviet Region
the specificity of language policies in the Post-Soviet Region

How to Cite

Hordecki, B. (2019). Language Policies as an Instrument of Shaping and Rhetoricizing Mutual Relations in the Post-Soviet Region. Przegląd Politologiczny, (2), 79–93.


The post-Soviet region is inhabited by communities using a high number of languages and dialects. This linguistic mosaic has been formed for millennia. Very often it turned out to be a factor seriously influencing the development of the geopolitical situation in this part of the globe. The post-Soviet region remains a space where language issues are still challenging and very sensitive. In large measure, traditional problems became more complicated during the period of the regional expansion of the Russian language in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Nowadays, states in the region try to create more or less autonomous language policies, sometimes calculated on relieving and sometimes on fueling socio-political conflicts. Language policies often turn out to be the instrument by which players in the region are trying to diminish or increase the gap in mutual relations. Additionally, political solutions applied to language issues often serve as a kind of argument in the axiological rivalry between communities living in the area of the former USSR. The paper aims to analyze some selected aspects of these policies. It also tries to characterize in general their rhetorical qualities and argumentative potential.


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