The main reasons for the acceptance of violence by non-state armed groups in modern Afghanistan
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contemporary Afghanistan
non-state armed groups
military violence
Afghan government

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Jureńczyk, Łukasz. (2020). The main reasons for the acceptance of violence by non-state armed groups in modern Afghanistan. Przegląd Politologiczny, (1), 19–34.


The aim of the article is to analyze the main reasons for the acceptance of violence by non-state armed groups in modern Afghanistan. The research problem is included in the question, what are the main reasons for the acceptance of military activity of non-state actors by the part of Afghan society? These are mainly radical Islamist groups, warlords and their illegal militias, but also terrorist and criminal organizations. Among the main reasons the author indicates the interference of the great powers, the occupation and activities of coalition forces, cultural conflict and violation of cultural values, corruption and incompetence of the authorities, internal conflicts and narco-business. They are of historical, political, cultural, social and economic nature and have psychological premises in their background. In addition, they are complex and interrelated. They are united by common elements, such as a different perception of the same phenomena by the parties to the conflict, a divergent worldview and a system of values, and collisional or conflicting goals and interests. Within the postcolonial approach to security, historical and contemporary relations with the great powers are of particular importance. Armed violence consumes thousands of victims each year in Afghanistan. The causes of this violence, the nature of the conflict and the specificity of the fighting parties mean that in the near future we should not expect a reduction in the level of armed violence in Afghanistan. The international community can’t turn its back on Afghanistan, because it would lead to an even more serious destabilization of the country and, in consequence, regaining power by the Taliban.
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