Inter-institutional Balance as an Analytical Category in the Study of the Politicalsystem of the European Union
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European integration
interinstitutional balance
European Union institutions
European Union political system

How to Cite

Jaskulski, A. (2023). Inter-institutional Balance as an Analytical Category in the Study of the Politicalsystem of the European Union. Przegląd Politologiczny, (4), 19–35.


The purpose of this article is to demonstrate the appropriateness of applying analysis through the lens of the concept of institutional balance to the study of the political system of the European Union. The article is primarily analytical rather than empirical, pointing out the importance of inter-institutional balance in its legal and political aspects, the relationship of inter-institutional balance to the principle of checks and balances, and the function that inter-institutional balance plays in the EU political system, as well as the criterion by which changes in inter-institutional balance can be studied.

One of the research hypotheses tested in this article is that there is a need to move away from understanding inter-institutional relations through the prism of the activities of only three entities, i.e. the EU Council, the EC and the EP, which has been the case for many years in research on the EU institutional system. The second research hypothesis is that, because the objectives of the EU political system are different from those of the nation-states, the analysis of the EU political system using the principle of check and balances has much less exploratory potential than the analysis of this system using the concept of interinstitutional balances.

The article uses the following research methods: institutional-legal and neo-institutional.
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