The Retreat from Free Trade on the Example of Trans-Pacific Partnership
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free trade
Pacific Rim

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Gwiazda, A. (2017). The Retreat from Free Trade on the Example of Trans-Pacific Partnership. Przegląd Politologiczny, (2), 7–18.


In the recent times some rightist’s political parties which have come to power in a number of Western states, seem to favour political arguments over the free trade advantages. The case of Trans-Pacific Partnership is the most illustrative as that regional free-trade agreement was aimed at “rebalancing” the economic cooperation within the Pacific region. It also was to create a trade bloc acting as a bulwark against China’s hegemony in that region. The United States has promoted the seven years negotiation process which brought about in 2015 the creation of TPP. However that trade agreement was not ratified by the parliaments of the member countries till the beginning of 2017, and in February president Donald Trump withdrew the United States from the TPP. This created a room for the China’s backed different proposition called the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership and highly weakened trust in the USA among its Asian allies.
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