The permanent exhibition at the Warsaw Uprising Museum, which has been on display since 2004 (continuously since 2005) is a text of culture – a construct that is not free from power and politics. The political nature of the Museum does not, however, determine its value, but rather represents a diagnosis of the social reality where culture is a space of ideological confrontation. The view that the Museum is politically entangled in organisational and ideological terms is neither demeaning nor ennobling for a cultural institution. However, it requires that the Museum surrender its claims of neutrality in a situation where, by decision of its creators, it occupies a defined position in the discourse, as illustrated by the omission of the history of animals – victims of war – in the exhibition. Meanwhile, the new humanities provide the new museum (and also the traditional one) with trends that unmask the author of the narrative and demystify the objective nature of that narrative. They allow us not only to identify and explain the reasons why the WUM left out the wartime history of animals, but also to show how and why those issues should be thought about, discussed and presented in a different way.
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