American foreign policy towards Egypt during almost three decades of Mubarak’s career as first vice-president, and later president of Egypt. The material underlines the impact of Mubarak’s personality, career and political style on the overall shape of American cooperation with Egypt. Egypt is described as an inherent element of the American foreign policy-making processes. Its most notable role is that of a mediator and facilitator in the Arab-Israeli conflict – in fact, Mubarak at times ventured his country’s position in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region to conduct and support peace talks, much to the US approval. In return, Egypt could count on considerable financial aid to maintain its already commendable military might, and develop civic structures. Mubarak’s power was always associated with his status as metaphorical ‘eyes and ears’ of Egyptian army – a position that brought the Egyptian president considerably appreciation on the American part. Mubarak is shown as a leader whose rein relied on cold calculation, pre-planning, unwillingness to improvise and act quickly, and ‘controlled’ risk taking.Bibliografia
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