Throughout the Cold War, US-German relations were characterized by a clear asymmetry. This resulted not only from the imbalance between those countries’ potentials, but also from formula of the West German dependence on the American patron: the FRG relied heavily on the support and guarantees provided byWashington. In 1990, the unification of Germany introduced new elements to the relationship. New Germany became a sovereign and „normal” state, at the same time their rank and position in Europe was on the rise accompanied by a gradual weakening of the sense of dependence on the American patron. As a result, at the turn of the century US-German relations have entered a phase of mitigating the asymmetry. This process was accompanied by an unprecedented downturn in mutual relations: Germany became more assertive with respect to the Washington expectations and demands; they also became able to attitudes contrary to the American policy agenda. The United States understood that they are now dealing with a more difficult partner: one conscious of its rank, and strongly articulating its own interestsand expectations.Washington – Berlin relations have thus entered the phase of a more balanced partnership.
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