The impact of the media on the reception of social themes in pope Francis’ speeches during World Youth Day in Krakow
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Pope Francis
World Youth Day in Krakow
social attitudes of Poles
social teaching of Pope Francis

How to Cite

Przyczyna, W., & Załazińska, A. (2018). The impact of the media on the reception of social themes in pope Francis’ speeches during World Youth Day in Krakow. Poznańskie Spotkania Językoznawcze, (33), 91–104.


Our analyses have shown that Pope Francis’ social teachings did not affect the views of Poles and did not change their attitudes. Comparing them with the media commentaries, one might get the impression that the Poles listened to the journalists rather than the Pope himself. The reason for this was the fact that most Poles got their information about the papal pilgrimage from the media. This information contained Pope Francis’ words, but already interpreted by the journalists. Separating these words from their interpretations is a difficult task – it requires intellectual effort and time. Poles therefore chose the easier route – they accepted what the media suggested.
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