The traces of an internal prayer in the personal notes of John Paul II (Karol Wojtyła)
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personal notes
Karol Wojtyła – John Paul II

How to Cite

Nowak, M. (2018). The traces of an internal prayer in the personal notes of John Paul II (Karol Wojtyła). Poznańskie Spotkania Językoznawcze, (35-36), 67–77.


The author analyses meditative reflections by Karol Wojtyła – John Paul II, collected in a volume entitled I Am so Much in God’s Hands. Personal Notes, 1962–2003 (Krakow 2014). The author examines the fragments of the text in which the speaker is identical with the addressee, and where internal prayer acts: meditations, contemplations and adorations. They are components of a reflection day or a religious retreat defined as a macro-genre (a collective genre). When expressed through language, internal prayers can be viewed in their text-typological and stylistic aspects. Karol Wojtyła’s retreat-related meditations reflect exponents of the religious style including a symbolic vision of the world, an attempt to unveil the reality that is hard to depict through discursive language and unreachable to common experience, a contemplative attitude towards reality and a stylistic understanding of the category of meditation.
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