Profession-Derived Names in Poznań Documents of the 16th-18th Centuries
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Poznań surnames
derived surnames
profession-derived surnames

How to Cite

Sieradzki, A. (2014). Profession-Derived Names in Poznań Documents of the 16th-18th Centuries. Poznańskie Spotkania Językoznawcze, (27), 163–171.


The subject of studies of the article is the word-formation structure of the names moti-vated by the designations of professions. The analyses are conducted only at the level of the language system. The collected material does not allow us to conduct such analyses at the text level. The completed studies showed that most often nominal derivatives of the discussed type were formed with the use of word-formative models with formatives -czyk, -ski. Relatively high frequency represent the formatives with a basic -k. This kind of distribution of the form-atives indicates the exceptionality of this category of names, its close relationship with the formation of profession-derived nouns at the appellative level. The models according to which the profession-derived names were formed indicate great synonymity. These names create even five-part series, which never occurs in other nominal types.
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