Funkcjonalne naruszenia normy ortograficznej w memach internetowych
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online meme
spelling in online communications

How to Cite

Niekrewicz, A. A. (2016). Funkcjonalne naruszenia normy ortograficznej w memach internetowych. Poznańskie Spotkania Językoznawcze, (32), 93–103.


The aim of this article is to discuss the functional violations of the spelling rules in online memes. The author presents examples of language styles characteristic of individual templates which breach the spelling rules. She demonstrates a relationship between the changes in spelling and the depreciating intention typical of memes as well as the repeated personal stereotypes. In addition, she shows the role of the spelling modifications in creating word games and new meanings. The analysed examples prove the dominance of functional deviations over genuine spelling mistakes. Non compliance with the rules can be regarded as a specific form of appreciation of language correctness. Incorrectness is the most prominent means to depreciate politicians, celebrities and representatives of various social groups, at the same time reflecting concern about the culture of the language.
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