The author attempts to identify the origins of the famous argument between Miłosz and Konwicki about the film adaptation of Dolina Issy. Konwicki created a film which, although it is an adaptation of the novel, clearly belongs to his own creative output, focused on axiological uncertainty after The Second World War. Konwicki’s work is a record of a quest for enduring points of reference, a quest conducted with realisation that such points cannot be found by a person who feels lost in the modern world. Such a world-view was not acceptable for Miłosz, and it is difficult to expect that the poet would accept an adaptation of his novel created from such a point of view.
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Lubelski T., Krewniacy z Litwy. Narodziny adaptacji z ducha wspólnoty, „Kwartalnik Filmowy” 2007, nr 59.
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Walc J., Tadeusza Konwickiego przedstawianie świata [1975], Warszawa 2010.
Wat A., Korespondencja, cz. 2, oprac. A. Kowalczykowa, Warszawa 2005.
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