A perplexing encounter (The poem “Ziemia” by Adam Wiedemann)
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poetry of Adam Wiedemann
self-thematic literature
poetry and literary criticism
literature and ethics
everyday life in poetry
Marjorie Perloff

How to Cite

Jaworski, M. (2012). A perplexing encounter (The poem “Ziemia” by Adam Wiedemann). Poznań Polish Studies. Literary Series, (19), 233–240. https://doi.org/10.14746/pspsl.2012.19.17


The poem is interpreted as an ironic self-thematic commentary. The poet’s attitude is critical towards different interpretations: conventional, i.e. based on ambiguity, colloquial or stereotypical and academic, inspired by increasingly new theories. The substantial element in the poem is the relation between the subject (persona) and the protagonist that corresponds to and translates into a communicative situation between the author and the reader. The result is complex, intertwined styles and techniques combined with one another. Wiedemann engages in a play with different ways of writing, ironically challenges or undermines poetical strategies to underline the conventionality of literature and communication in general. By doing this, he disturbs the reader by challenging the reader’s reading habits and thus making an impression that the reader is sent away from the poem to a single and unique experience in reality.

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